Game Review Archive

Otome gamer who also has a huge love for rhythm games.

My game reviews are usually a basic summary of the game and my guide/thoughts on the music, system, story, characters etc. I used to take Vita screenshots but I’m lazy now  :> Leave me a comment anytime, anywhere and I’ll get back to you!

Check out the tabs or the sidebars for more fun stuff and I hope you enjoy reading this blog!

2019 Game review Archive

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2018 Game review Archive


2016 Game review Archive

2015 Game Review Archive






2014 Game Review Archive





2012/2013 Game Review Archive








Otome News

For Game/CD website information, go to Translations.



My personal list of recommended Otome Games and CDs.

*I’m a picky one, but I really liked these games and CDs. Click to read reviews.

Senjou no Waltz
Kokuchou no Psychedelica
Norn+Nornette Last Era
Prince of Stride

PC Games
Black Wolves Saga
Ayakashi Gohan
Ken Ga Kimi
NOISE -voice of snow-
-Chou no Doku, Hana no Kusari (Mature content)

Jyuzaengi Engetsu Sangokuden
Meiji Tokyo Renka
Kamigami no Asobi
Hanasaku Manimani
Urakata Hakuouki
-Koezaru Akai Hana psp

Situation CDs : translated websites here
-Shinsengumi Wasurenagusa
-Teikoku Star
-Sacrifice~The first and last kiss
-Meiji Kyuuketsu Kitan ~ Tsukiyasha
-Soubou Sangokushi
-Kyouai Cartharsis
Otoko Yuukaku no Tsuyane

18 thoughts on “Game Review Archive

  1. Hi じゅうぐち! I found your blog when I was looking for Norn9 reviews ^^
    Agreed that otome gaming does make people broke XD I hope I can play more otoge too!
    Do you mind exchanging links? I added you in my blogroll ^_^


  2. Hello dear ^^ I found your blog while searching for oz’s ss translation on tumblr. Your translations were really good. TBH, I bookmarked your blog in EVERY SINGLE DEVICE I HAVE. NO REGRET WHAT SO EVER ( ^ω^ )
    I’m looking forward to see your coming posts ^_−☆

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey. I found your blog searching for info on Un/Re:BIRTHDAY SONG and it pumped me so I’m trying to get into otome games again.
    One of the reasons I kinda backed away from these games, only keeping up with the major franchises I like, was the lack of people to discuss games with, so I was wondering if you knew some communities or something…?
    Also, any interesting recent releases? Ayakashi Gohan seems pretty neat…


    • Communities? Hmm… Not really sure about that, thought I think there are some Chinese forums or something.

      Our blogger scope for Otome games is pretty wide though, and if you comment on their blogs, you’ll probably have fun talking to them about all these games! Check out the links on the sidebar!


  4. HEYY fellow otome gamerヾ(Ő‿Ő✿)
    Found your blog while reading some new interesting games to play and stumbled upon this, here thumbs up for you because your review is nice and neat!
    I am currently playing Ayakashi Gohan (and just completed Uta’s route because school sheesh( ˘・з・) ) and loved it to bits! I have soft spot for ayakashi-themed related so *cries a river*
    Hey, if you don’t mind do you want to exchange link? I mostly do drama cd reviews though I have been absent for too long (thanks school) but hopefully somewhere in the future will come back to writing!
    (And I stalked your twitter as well sorry for being a creeper)
    Have a great day! ~❤


    • Hey there Nyan!~ (๑′ᴗ’๑)

      I’m glad you like Ayakashi Gohan! It’s definitely one of the best games this year… considering that it’s labelled ‘All ages’ and with HoneyBee not having top reputation :p

      I’ll be glad to have you on my roll! よろしく!☆

      Thanks for watching my twitter too! I was getting kinda lonely recently since no one replied me haha :p


  5. Wow, I stumbled on my way to this place when I was looking for some good -8 review! And oh god if I wasn’t shocked! I do hope I’m not mistaking it but you are as in the utaitte who did the cover for KgK ending theme?! I’m a fan of your voice and I instantly replayed the song almost well, everyday!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Heya!

    I just recently found your blog and I really, really like your reviews! ❤ It's always nice being able to meet fellow otome gamers, hm! (o^▽^o)

    If it's not very troublesome… would you mind exchanging links? I'm currently playing Binary Star (I hope I can post a review soon, even though I barely have any free time due to university ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ…) and really looking forward to Code: Realize… I so need that game!

    A-Anyways… よろしく、仲良くしてください!(*ノωノ)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hello…so it’s me, the person who’s been bombarding your Oz to Himitsu no Ai posts…but anyway, I figured I’d ask here before I forget since I’m really bad at remembering this kind of thing, but would you like to exchange blogroll links? I admit I haven’t really read much of your other posts yet, but you seem cool (and super active, my goodness). It’ll be good motivation to try and post on my own blog more frequently and if you happen to review a series I’m iffy on, that might help me decide whether I want to try out the series myself…and your backlog is so enviable. Mine is huge. I almost feel like I shouldn’t even let myself buy any more games, but that wouldn’t work…no self-control. And then I’d just be missing out on all the shiny new releases. I also just got really distracted there. Anyways, I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future! Keep doing what you do 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Sena!

      I was about to ask the same, I love reading comments from other Otogemers, and I’d like you on my roll as well! Well, my backlog as been there for 2.5 months now (;・∀・) and my Gekka Ryouran is on the verge of getting put into the ‘will play when free which happens to be 10 years later’ folder soon…. There’re so many new CDs and games/ manga and all that and I really can’t keep up. I should feel more guilty about devoting so much free time to games and CDs OTL

      I hope you enjoyed Binary Star! I’ve love to get it too, but I’m still on the fence about its setting…


      • Thanks! I’ll add your link soon~ I don’t do it often enough so I always have to “re-learn” how to add a link despite it being really simple, hahaha.

        Ah, an older backlog? Makes sense. I didn’t even make a backlog list because it;s just that depressing.

        I have a few games I started ages ago and still haven’t finished due to not being in the mood really. If you still remember the story 10 years later that would be some talent ^^ It’s really hard to keep up with all the new releases. Sometimes I wish they would stop releasing things so I can catch my breath…or at least release a bunch of things that don’t sound appealing so I can work on my back-ordering. Not everything I want is new after all.

        I dedicate way too much time to these games and CDs, but I have other games I like to play too. And I enjoy reading books, so that basically means I’m a homebody.

        I didn’t actually start Binary Star yet…I wanted to play it after I eventually finished AMNESIA World, but now I don’t know whether to play that first or Trigger Kiss…or at the rate I’m going, other games will probably be out by then…

        Liked by 1 person

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